Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Old time glory

I was about to go on my bike to the university library by the time one of my bestfriend send me a massage about ITB's enterance exam result. Two of my juniors in high school got accepted there. Of course i am totally happy with that. I am happy for them.

But then i starting a conversation via a BB messenger with a friend of mine. A special friend, I must say. I then said to her that i'm sharing the happiness that currently in the air of Jakarta. And i remember how happy I was when i received an email that confirming my admission in Universiteit van Amsterdam almost a year ago. I still exactly feeling the joy and happiness of that very sweet moment precisely. That's why i absolutely understand how it feels to get accepted in the university of your dream.

On that particular night, i was in the internet shop in the front of my rented room in Kampung Kukusan - Depok. I were plugging my own laptop there, checking my email. And suddenly one email knocked me out. It said, i am accepted. My first reaction was running to my room, screaming, yelling, jumping. I'm sure i disturbed the peacefulness of the building that evening. That emotion is simply too good. I get what i've been dreaming for the last two years, back then.

Without many thoughts, i borrow my bestfriend's motorcycle to come home right away after the announcement. And suddenly many friends congragulated you via sms and phone calls. That was awesome ! Feels great and so right. Arrived at home, i exchanged tears with my mother. A very warm hug as usual. My father of course also very happy.

Then the conversation still goes. We talked about our last dinner at the restaurant in nearby Kebayoran Baru. She asked me whether i still remember or not. How could i forget that evening, for God's sake. It was a special night, at least for me. I still remember precisely that i borrow my mother's car, as well as borrow my brother's "Topman"shirt in checker red. I were totally happy at that night. I can tell that my eyes were shining while i'm spilling out my talk. My eyes were talking. It was simply a perfect evening. Just too damn sweet to remember.

Those last few weeks before my departure are one of the best periods of my life. Ever. Few celebrations with closest friends and family, several intimate talk with colleagues, and of course several farewell moments. It was a great moment with great people. Simply glorious, yet too sweet.

And now here i am, in the the university library. Instead of doing my assignment, i'm busy writing about those glorious moments. I can't stop smiling since about 30 minutes ago, already. Somehow i feel more pressure over my chest. It feels like it has lesser spaces. I'm happy by remenescing those days.

Indahnya masa-masa itu selalu mengingatkanku akan betapa manisnya Jakarta. Terlalu manis untuk tak dapat tempat di memori. Walaupun juga tak sedikit kegetiran disana. Masa muda dengan semua romansanya, kesombongannya, keangkuhannya, dan kebodohannya. But yeah, for the sake of the old time glory.

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